
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Voice of the Middle Ground's mission?

The question of love isn’t one of hiding or guilt but of transparency and partnership in the journey forward. This is why Voice of the Middle Ground is committed to authenticity, diversity, and community, walking together in Jesus who sees our struggles. Discover more about our mission here.

How does Voice of the Middle Ground plan to achieve these objectives?

Voice of the Middle Ground works to accomplish our goals through: educational opportunities and resources, partnerships, and events like our annual Rev 7 Conference. To get a solid taste of Voice of the Middle Ground and our pursuit of this mission, join us for this year's conference. Register here to save your seat today.

Who leads Voice of the Middle Ground?

Ruth Jefferson is the Executive and Founding Director of Voice of the Middle Ground. Find out more about the leadership of Voice of the Middle Ground using this link.

How often will I receive updates about how my donation is being used?

Starting in 2024, Voice of the Middle Ground will be uploading monthly financial reports here. This is also where you'll find our 501(c)3 award letter, certifying Voice of the Middle Ground as a tax-exempt non-profit.

What are Voice of the Middle Ground's primary sources of funding?

2024 is the year of changes. Traditionally, Voice of the Middle Ground has received most, if not all of its funds from financial partners like you. However, in an effort to increase the quality and the level at which we're able to walk with you and with the communities we serve, Voice of the Middle Ground is seeking to diversify incoming revenue streams through tools like affiliate marketing, through making certain products and resources available for purchase, and through charging for some of the services we offer. Thank you for partnering financially with Voice of the Middle Ground in pursuing our common mission.

What kind of projects has Voice of the Middle Ground been involved in since its inception?

While our biggest and most regular events are our annual Rev 7 Conference and the Harmonize Podcast Voice of the Middle Ground also holds events such as town halls, prayer vigils, town halls, and family-friendly Fall Festivals, and provides resources through such projects as Discover. Voice of the Middle Ground also serves behind-the-scenes in partnership with other ministries, businesses, and organizations. We do this in keeping with the goals of Voice of the Middle Ground and our mission, vision, and values.

What are the risks and challenges VotMG faces?

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...As a ministry, Voice of the Middle Ground finds ourselves battling the spiritual impact of churches being blinded to the understanding of the gospel imperative of Jesus-centered change and of people who've been hurt by churches and individual Christians or who do not see clearly the real and relevant role that churches can have within communities as people walk with people. Current events also bring new sparks to the fires of confusion and division as society as a whole begins to uncover the harms that have long been hiding in plain sight under the surface. This is where churches can make a difference. This is also where Voice of the Middle Ground is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap. Become a financial partner with Voice of the Middle Ground today to become a part of achieving this mission.

What sources are available to increase my confidence in the work of Voice of the Middle Ground?

Stay tuned to Harmonize to explore the various elements of Voice of the Middle Ground's mission, vision, and values; dive deeper into our areas of ministry and focus; and become part of the VotMG Fam. We will also soon be introducing an email newsletter. As always, journey into community with Voice of the Middle Ground while building relationships when you connect with this year's Rev 7 Conference.

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How can I schedule a Rev 7 vision session?

One of the joys that we have as a ministry is partnering with businesses, organizations, and even other ministries to provide tools, resources, and trainings. One such resource and training we provide are Rev 7 Vision Sessions, Voice of the Middle Ground provides strategic training to organizations that takes into account their mission, vision, and values and helps them to understand how they can channel their purpose as an organization into transforming their own internal culture so that it authentically embraces what it means to walk with others, including others from diverse backgrounds. These trainings are Voice of the Middle Ground's answer to the question: Is there an alternative to some of the common practices of diversity training? Interested in discovering more about this program and how you can schedule you session? Email admin@voiceofthemiddleground.com for more information.

What are the Biblical principles that guide Voice of the Middle Ground?

As Voice of the Middle Ground pursues its mission through a Jesus-centered lens, it's important for us to have a framework to which we can be held accountable both internally and by you, the Voice of the Middle Ground Community. To help build this accountability, the framework that VotMG uses is based on the Christian teachings found in the Book of Concord as practiced by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. For more information, you can review a synopsis of these teachings here.